I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick. I have a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. I have been recently awarded a ERC Starting Grant (2024-2029) for the project "Human Capital, the Organization of Production, and Economic Development". Here is my Curriculum Vitae. |
The Human Side of Structural Transformation, with Tommaso Porzio and Gabriella Santangelo [online appendix]
American Economic Review, 2022
The Relative Efficiency of Skilled Labor across Countries: Measurement and Interpretation, [online appendix]
American Economic Review, 2022
Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries, with Marta De Philippis [online appendix][slides]
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021
Human Capital and Macro-Economic Development: A Review of the Evidence, [online appendix]
World Bank Research Observer, 2020
Working Papers
Economic Development according to Chandler, with Niklas Engbom, Hannes Malmberg, Tommaso Porzio and Todd Schoellman
Internal Migration and Economic Development
The Human Capital Side of Climate Change: A Micro to Macro Analysis, with Jonathan Colmer and Tommaso Porzio
The Accumulation and Utilization of Human Capital over the Development Spectrum, with Michael Weber
Barriers to College Investment and Aggregate Productivity
Other Writings
The Inequality of Educational Opportunities: Microeconomic Barriers with Macroeconomic Costs
Awarded the 3rd Prize in the Stiglitz Essay Prize Competition; here some pictures of the award ceremony.
A New Dataset on Mincerian Returns, with Francesco Caselli and Jacopo Ponticelli [dataset]
in Francesco Caselli, Technology Differences over Space and Time, Princeton University Press
The Human Side of Structural Transformation, with Tommaso Porzio and Gabriella Santangelo [online appendix]
American Economic Review, 2022
The Relative Efficiency of Skilled Labor across Countries: Measurement and Interpretation, [online appendix]
American Economic Review, 2022
Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries, with Marta De Philippis [online appendix][slides]
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021
Human Capital and Macro-Economic Development: A Review of the Evidence, [online appendix]
World Bank Research Observer, 2020
Working Papers
Economic Development according to Chandler, with Niklas Engbom, Hannes Malmberg, Tommaso Porzio and Todd Schoellman
Internal Migration and Economic Development
The Human Capital Side of Climate Change: A Micro to Macro Analysis, with Jonathan Colmer and Tommaso Porzio
The Accumulation and Utilization of Human Capital over the Development Spectrum, with Michael Weber
Barriers to College Investment and Aggregate Productivity
Other Writings
The Inequality of Educational Opportunities: Microeconomic Barriers with Macroeconomic Costs
Awarded the 3rd Prize in the Stiglitz Essay Prize Competition; here some pictures of the award ceremony.
A New Dataset on Mincerian Returns, with Francesco Caselli and Jacopo Ponticelli [dataset]
in Francesco Caselli, Technology Differences over Space and Time, Princeton University Press